== Table cell span
.Cell spans columns
| Name | Description
| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way to write documentation
// This cell spans 2 columns, indicated
// by the number before the + sign.
// The + sign
// tells Asciidoctor to span this
// cell over multiple columns.
2+| The statements above say it all
.Cell spans rows
| Name | Description
// This cell spans 2 rows,
// because the number after
// the dot (.) specifies the number
// of rows to span. The + sign
// tells Asciidoctor to span this
// cell over multiple rows.
.2+| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way to write documentation
| Works on the JVM
.Cell spans both rows and columns
| Col1 | Col2 | Col 3
// We can combine the numbers for
// row and column span within one
// cell specifier.
// The number before the dot (.)
// is the number of columns to span,
// the number after the dot (.)
// is the number of rows to span.
2.2+| Cell spans 2 cols, 2 rows
| Row 1, Col 3
| Row 2, Col 3

- 1Awesome Asciidoctor: Span Cell over Rows and Columns